ped_core.editor_manager module
# Copyright 2009 James P Goodwin ped tiny python editor import sys from ped_dialog import file_dialog import time from ped_dialog.confirm_dialog import confirm from ped_dialog.prompt_dialog import prompt from ped_dialog.dialog import rect from ped_dialog.message_dialog import message from ped_core import editor_common import curses import os import subprocess import copy import io from ped_core import ped_help from ped_dialog import file_find import traceback from ped_dialog import buffer_dialog from ped_ssh_dialog.ssh_dialog import sftpDialog from ped_core import keytab from ped_core import cmd_names from ped_core import keymap from ped_core import extension_manager import math #def debug_print(*argv): # f = open(os.path.expanduser("~/ped.log"),"a") # print(" ".join([str(f) for f in argv]),file=f) # f.close() class BaseFrame: """ Each frame keeps track of a subwindow """ def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width,lborder = False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ self.x = x self.y = y self.height = height self.width = width self.parent = parent self.changed = True self.lborder = lborder if self.lborder: = parent.subwin(height,width-1,y,x+1) else: = parent.subwin(height,width,y,x) def __lt__(self, other): if self.y == other.y: return self.x < other.x else: return self.y < other.y def __gt__(self, other): if self.y == other.y: return self.x > other.x else: return self.y > other.y def __eq__(self, other): return (self.y == other.y) and (self.x == other.x) def __le__(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __del__(self): """ clean up our subwindow when we close """ if del = None def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ if self.changed or force: if self.lborder: off = 0 while off < self.height: try: self.parent.addch(self.y+off,self.x,curses.ACS_VLINE,curses.A_NORMAL) except: pass off += 1 self.changed = False def setlborder( self, flag ): """ our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1 """ if self.lborder == flag: return self.lborder = flag if flag: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width-1,self.y,self.x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width,self.y,self.x) self.changed = True def getrect(self): """ get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border""" return (self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height) def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ self.x = x self.y = y self.height = height self.width = width if self.lborder: = self.parent.subwin(height,width-1,y,x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(height,width,y,x) self.changed = True class EditorFrame ( BaseFrame ): """ Each frame keeps track of an editor instance in a subwindow """ def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width, lborder = False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ BaseFrame.__init__( self, parent,x,y,height,width,lborder ) self.editor = None def __del__(self): """ clean up our subwindow when we close """ BaseFrame.__del__(self) self.editor = None def __copy__(self): """ copy of editor frame """ ef = EditorFrame( self.parent, self.x, self.y, self.height, self.width, self.lborder ) return ef def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ BaseFrame.redraw( self, force ) if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( if self.editor.has_changes() or force: if force: self.editor.invalidate_screen() self.editor.redraw() def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ BaseFrame.resize(self,x,y,width,height) if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( self.editor.resize() def seteditor(self,editor): """ installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling """ self.editor = editor if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( self.editor.resize() self.changed = True class DialogFrame ( BaseFrame ): """ Each frame keeps track of an editor instance in a subwindow """ def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width,lborder=False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ BaseFrame.__init__( self, parent,x,y,height,width, lborder ) self.dialog = None def __del__(self): """ clean up our subwindow when we close """ BaseFrame.__del__(self) self.dialog = None def __copy__(self): """ copy of dialog frame """ return DialogFrame( self.parent, self.x, self.y, self.height, self.width, self.lborder ) def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ BaseFrame.redraw( self, force ) if self.dialog: self.dialog.setparent( self.dialog.render() def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ BaseFrame.resize(self,x,y,width,height) if self.dialog: self.dialog.setparent( self.dialog.resize() def setdialog(self,dialog): """ installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling """ self.dialog = copy.copy(dialog) self.changed = True class EditorManager: """ class manages a collection of editors and editor frames that tile the full terminal service """ def __init__(self,scr): """ constructed with scr == curses screen or window object to manage within """ (self.max_y,self.max_x) = scr.getmaxyx() self.editors = [] self.frames = [EditorFrame(scr,0,0,self.max_y,self.max_x)] self.current = 0 self.current_frame = 0 self.scr = scr def __del__(self): if self.editors: for e in self.editors: e.close() self.editors = None self.frames = None def getCurrentFrame(self): """ get the current frame """ return self.frames[self.current_frame] def getCurrentEditor(self): """ return the current editor for the current frame or None if it isn't an editor """ f = self.getCurrentFrame() if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): return f.editor else: return None def setEditor(self, frame, editor): """ maintain relationship between frames list and editors list so that each editor in the editor's list occurs only 0 or 1 times in the frames list """ for f in self.frames: if f.editor == editor: if repr(f) == repr(frame): return else: frame.seteditor(copy.copy(editor)) return frame.seteditor(editor) def splitFrame(self,horizontal = True): """ split the current frame into two frames either vertically (default) or horizontally if horizontal == True """ (x,y,width,height) = self.frames[self.current_frame].getrect() if horizontal and height <= 6: return if not horizontal and width <= 20: return newFrame = copy.copy(self.frames[self.current_frame]) if isinstance(newFrame,EditorFrame): self.setEditor(newFrame,self.frames[self.current_frame].editor) else: newFrame.setdialog(self.frames[self.current_frame].dialog) self.frames.insert(self.current_frame,newFrame) if horizontal: self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(x,y,width,height//2) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].resize(x,y+(height//2),width,height-(height//2)) self.current_frame += 1 else: self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(x,y,width//2,height) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].resize(x+(width//2),y,width-(width//2),height) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].setlborder(True) self.current_frame += 1 def addEditor( self, e ): """ add a new editor to the list of editors to manage make it the editor in the current frame """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): filename = os.path.abspath(e.getWorkfile().getFilename()) idx = 0 while idx < len(self.editors): cfilename = os.path.abspath(self.editors[idx].getWorkfile().getFilename()) if cfilename == filename: self.current = idx break idx += 1 else: self.editors.insert(self.current,e) self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def delEditor( self): """ close an editor and remove it from the list, fall back to the previous editor in the current frame """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): editor = self.editors[self.current] filename = editor.workfile.filename self.editors.remove(editor) if self.current >= len(self.editors): self.current = len(self.editors)-1 if self.current < 0: self.current = 0 if not len(self.editors): for f in self.frames: self.setEditor(f,None) editor.close() return else: self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) foundFilename = True while foundFilename: for idx in range(0,len(self.frames)): if isinstance(self.frames[idx],EditorFrame): if self.frames[idx].editor.workfile.filename == filename: cur_frame = self.frames[self.current_frame] self.current_frame = idx self.killFrame() for jdx in range(0,len(self.frames)): if self.frames[jdx] == cur_frame: self.current_frame = jdx break else: foundFilename = False editor.close() def nextEditor(self): """ set the next editor to be current, wrap around in the list """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.current += 1 if self.current > len(self.editors)-1: self.current = 0 self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def prevEditor(self): """ set the previous editor to be current, wrap around in the list """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.current -= 1 if self.current < 0: self.current = len(self.editors)-1 self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def syncFrameEditor(self): """ sync the current frame's editor with the current editor """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): for idx in range(0,len(self.editors)): if self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.workfile.filename == self.editors[idx].workfile.filename: self.current = idx break def nextFrame(self): """ set the next frame to be current, wrap around the list """ self.current_frame += 1 if self.current_frame > len(self.frames)-1: self.current_frame = 0 self.syncFrameEditor() def killFrame(self): """ kill the current frame and clean up the remaining ones, there are still issues here """ if (len(self.frames)-1): (x,y,width,height) = self.frames[self.current_frame].getrect() # width adjusted for border if needed del self.frames[self.current_frame] if self.current_frame > (len(self.frames)-1): self.current_frame -= 1 frames_to_adjust = [] total_height = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fy >= y and fy+fheight <= y+height and fx+fwidth == x: # window to left of us frames_to_adjust.append ((f,fx,fy,fwidth+width,fheight)) total_height += fheight if total_height == height: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_height = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fy >= y and fy+fheight <= y+height and x+width == fx: # window to right of us frames_to_adjust.append((f,x,fy,fwidth+width,fheight)) total_height += fheight if total_height == height: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_width = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fx >= x and fx+fwidth <= x+width and y+height == fy: # window below us (don't use frame adjustement for this one) frames_to_adjust.append((f,fx,y,fwidth,height+fheight)) total_width += fwidth if total_width == width: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_width = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fx >= x and fx+fwidth <= x+width and fy+fheight == y: # window above us (don't use frame adjustement for this one) frames_to_adjust.append((f,fx,fy,fwidth,height+fheight)) total_width += fwidth if total_width == width: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return self.syncFrameEditor() def zoomFrame(self): """ make the current frame fill the screen and get rid of all of the others """ self.frames = [self.frames[self.current_frame]] self.current_frame = 0 max_y,max_x = self.frames[self.current_frame].parent.getmaxyx() self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(0,0,max_x,max_y) self.frames[self.current_frame].setlborder(False) self.syncFrameEditor() def replaceFrame(self, frameClass ): """ replace the current frame with a new frame of frameClass type """ curframe = self.frames[self.current_frame] newframe = frameClass(curframe.parent, curframe.x, curframe.y, curframe.height, curframe.width, curframe.lborder ) self.frames[self.current_frame] = newframe return newframe def openEditor(self): """ open a new file in the current window, launches the file dialog allowing choosing or typing in a file name """ if not isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.replaceFrame(EditorFrame) f = file_dialog.FileDialog(self.scr,"Open or create file") choices = f.main() if choices and choices["file"]: self.addEditor(editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,os.path.join(choices["dir"],choices["file"]))) def resize(self): """ handle the resize event from the parent window and re-layout the parent window """ ymax,xmax = self.scr.getmaxyx() if self.max_x == xmax and self.max_y == ymax: return temp_frames = [] for f in self.frames: (x,y,width,height) = f.getrect() temp_frames.append((f,x,y,width,height)) if self.max_x != xmax: already_horizontal = [] for oy in range(0,max(ymax,self.max_y)): frames_to_adjust = [] for fidx in range(0,len(temp_frames)): (f,x,y,width,height) = temp_frames[fidx] if y <= oy and y+height > oy: frames_to_adjust.append(fidx) remaining_width = xmax frames_to_adjust.sort(key=lambda x: temp_frames[x][1]) start_x = 0 for idx in range(0,len(frames_to_adjust)): f,x,y,width,height = temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] if f in already_horizontal: pass elif idx == len(frames_to_adjust)-1: width = remaining_width temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,start_x,y,width,height) already_horizontal.append(f) else: width = remaining_width // (len(frames_to_adjust)-idx) temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,start_x,y,width,height) already_horizontal.append(f) start_x += width remaining_width -= width if self.max_y != ymax: already_vertical = [] for ox in range(0,max(self.max_x,xmax)): frames_to_adjust = [] for fidx in range(0,len(temp_frames)): (f,x,y,width,height) = temp_frames[fidx] if x <= ox and x+width > ox: frames_to_adjust.append(fidx) remaining_height = ymax frames_to_adjust.sort(key=lambda x: temp_frames[x][2]) start_y = 0 for idx in range(0,len(frames_to_adjust)): f,x,y,width,height = temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] if f in already_vertical: pass elif idx == len(frames_to_adjust)-1: height = remaining_height temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,x,start_y,width,height) already_vertical.append(f) else: height = remaining_height // (len(frames_to_adjust)-idx) temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,x,start_y,width,height) already_vertical.append(f) start_y += height remaining_height -= height for f,x,y,width,height in temp_frames: f.resize(x,y,width,height) self.max_x = xmax self.max_y = ymax def bufferList( self ): """ show the buffer list and allow selection of a new buffer to edit """ changed = { True:"*", False:" " } names = [] for e in self.editors: if e.getFilename(): name = changed[e.isChanged()] + e.getFilename() else: name = " "+e.getWorkfile().getFilename() names.append(name) result = buffer_dialog.choose_buffer(self.scr, names ) if result: self.current = names.index(result) self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def fileFind( self , fpat=".*",cpat="",recurse=False): """ launch the file find dialog box """ result = file_find.filefind(self.scr,fpat=fpat,cpat=cpat,recurse=recurse) if result: editor = editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,result[0]) editor.goto(result[1],0) self.addEditor(editor) return True return False def sftpDialog( self , title="SFTP FileManager", remote_path="", ssh_username="", ssh_password="", local_path="."): """ launch the file find dialog box """ result = sftpDialog(self.scr, title = "SFTP File Manager", remote_path=remote_path, ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, local_path=local_path ) if result: editor = editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,result) editor.goto(0,0) self.addEditor(editor) return True return False def mouseEvent( self ): """ handle mouse events """ try: mid, mx, my, mz, mtype = curses.getmouse() cf = 0 f = None while (cf < len(self.frames)): if self.frames[cf].win.enclose(my,mx): f = self.frames[cf] break cf += 1 else: return by,bx = oy = my - by - 1 ox = mx - bx if oy < 0: return if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): line = f.editor.line + oy pos = f.editor.left + ox if mtype & (curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED): (line,pos) = f.editor.filePos(line,pos) f.editor.goto(line,pos) self.current_frame = cf self.syncFrameEditor() if mtype & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED: f.editor.mark_span() if (mtype & curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED) and f.editor.isMark(): f.editor.mark_span() else: self.current_frame = cf except: return def redraw(self, force = False): """ redraw the editor manager and all the subframes, do minimal updates unless force is True """ for f in self.frames: if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): new_cursor_state = (f == self.frames[self.current_frame]) old_cursor_state = f.editor.showcursor(new_cursor_state) f.editor.setfocus(new_cursor_state) force = force or (old_cursor_state != new_cursor_state) f.redraw(force) self.scr.leaveok(1) self.scr.refresh() self.scr.leaveok(0) def main(self,blocking = True): """ this is the main driver for the editor manager it displays the frames and gets it's keystrokes from the current frame, only the key events that are released """ force = not blocking curses.mousemask( curses.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS | curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION ) self.scr.keypad(1) while len(self.editors): self.redraw(force) # if force: # self.scr.noutrefresh() # force = True if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): # if the buffer has a real filename then when it is current be in its directory filename = self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.getFilename() if filename: (path,filename) = os.path.split(filename) if os.path.exists(path): os.chdir(path) # run the editor in non blocking mode to have it process keystrokes returns unhandled ones cmd_id, seq = keymap.mapseq(keymap.keymap_manager,self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.main(False)) else: # run the dialog non blocking mode to have it process keystrokes returns unhandled ones (seq, values) = self.frames[self.current_frame].dialog.main(False) cmd_id, seq = keymap.mapseq(keymap.keymap_manager,seq) if extension_manager.is_extension(cmd_id): if not extension_manager.invoke_extension( cmd_id, self, seq ): return seq if cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_KILLFRAME and not (len(self.frames)-1): cmd_id = cmd_names.CMD_EXITNOSAVE if cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_NEXTEDITOR: self.nextEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_RESIZE: self.resize() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_REFRESH: self.redraw(True) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_NEXTFRAME: self.nextFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_BUFFERLIST: self.bufferList() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_FILEFIND: self.fileFind() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SFTP: self.sftpDialog() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SAVEEXIT: for e in self.editors: if e.isChanged(): return seq elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_HELP: self.addEditor(editor_common.StreamEditor(self.scr,None, "Help", io.StringIO(ped_help.get_help()),wait=True)) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SHELLCMD: cmd = prompt(self.scr,"Shell command","> ",-1,name="shell") if cmd: self.addEditor(editor_common.StreamEditor(self.scr,None, time.asctime()+" > "+cmd, subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=1024, encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout)) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_OPENEDITOR: self.openEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_PREVEDITOR: self.prevEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_HORZSPLIT: self.splitFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_VERTSPLIT: self.splitFrame(False) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_ZOOMFRAME: self.zoomFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_KILLFRAME: self.killFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_MOUSE: self.mouseEvent() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DELEDITOR: if self.editors[self.current].isChanged(): if confirm(self.scr,"File modified, remove anyway?"): self.delEditor() else: self.delEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_EXITNOSAVE: # esc modified = 0 for e in self.editors: if e.isChanged(): modified += 1 if modified: if confirm(self.scr,"%d changed files, exit anyway?"%(modified)): return keytab.KEYTAB_ESC else: return keytab.KEYTAB_ESC if seq == keytab.KEYTAB_REFRESH: self.redraw(True) # else: # force = False if not blocking: self.scr.refresh() return seq
class BaseFrame
Each frame keeps track of a subwindow
class BaseFrame: """ Each frame keeps track of a subwindow """ def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width,lborder = False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ self.x = x self.y = y self.height = height self.width = width self.parent = parent self.changed = True self.lborder = lborder if self.lborder: = parent.subwin(height,width-1,y,x+1) else: = parent.subwin(height,width,y,x) def __lt__(self, other): if self.y == other.y: return self.x < other.x else: return self.y < other.y def __gt__(self, other): if self.y == other.y: return self.x > other.x else: return self.y > other.y def __eq__(self, other): return (self.y == other.y) and (self.x == other.x) def __le__(self, other): return self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __ge__(self, other): return self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __del__(self): """ clean up our subwindow when we close """ if del = None def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ if self.changed or force: if self.lborder: off = 0 while off < self.height: try: self.parent.addch(self.y+off,self.x,curses.ACS_VLINE,curses.A_NORMAL) except: pass off += 1 self.changed = False def setlborder( self, flag ): """ our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1 """ if self.lborder == flag: return self.lborder = flag if flag: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width-1,self.y,self.x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width,self.y,self.x) self.changed = True def getrect(self): """ get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border""" return (self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height) def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ self.x = x self.y = y self.height = height self.width = width if self.lborder: = self.parent.subwin(height,width-1,y,x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(height,width,y,x) self.changed = True
Ancestors (in MRO)
- BaseFrame
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, parent, x, y, height, width, lborder=False)
parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters
def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width,lborder = False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ self.x = x self.y = y self.height = height self.width = width self.parent = parent self.changed = True self.lborder = lborder if self.lborder: = parent.subwin(height,width-1,y,x+1) else: = parent.subwin(height,width,y,x)
def getrect(
get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border
def getrect(self): """ get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border""" return (self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height)
def redraw(
self, force=True)
redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw
def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ if self.changed or force: if self.lborder: off = 0 while off < self.height: try: self.parent.addch(self.y+off,self.x,curses.ACS_VLINE,curses.A_NORMAL) except: pass off += 1 self.changed = False
def resize(
self, x, y, width, height)
resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor
def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ self.x = x self.y = y self.height = height self.width = width if self.lborder: = self.parent.subwin(height,width-1,y,x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(height,width,y,x) self.changed = True
def setlborder(
self, flag)
our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1
def setlborder( self, flag ): """ our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1 """ if self.lborder == flag: return self.lborder = flag if flag: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width-1,self.y,self.x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width,self.y,self.x) self.changed = True
Instance variables
var changed
var height
var lborder
var parent
var width
var x
var y
class DialogFrame
Each frame keeps track of an editor instance in a subwindow
class DialogFrame ( BaseFrame ): """ Each frame keeps track of an editor instance in a subwindow """ def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width,lborder=False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ BaseFrame.__init__( self, parent,x,y,height,width, lborder ) self.dialog = None def __del__(self): """ clean up our subwindow when we close """ BaseFrame.__del__(self) self.dialog = None def __copy__(self): """ copy of dialog frame """ return DialogFrame( self.parent, self.x, self.y, self.height, self.width, self.lborder ) def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ BaseFrame.redraw( self, force ) if self.dialog: self.dialog.setparent( self.dialog.render() def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ BaseFrame.resize(self,x,y,width,height) if self.dialog: self.dialog.setparent( self.dialog.resize() def setdialog(self,dialog): """ installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling """ self.dialog = copy.copy(dialog) self.changed = True
Ancestors (in MRO)
- DialogFrame
- BaseFrame
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, parent, x, y, height, width, lborder=False)
parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters
def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width,lborder=False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ BaseFrame.__init__( self, parent,x,y,height,width, lborder ) self.dialog = None
def getrect(
get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border
def getrect(self): """ get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border""" return (self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height)
def redraw(
self, force=True)
redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw
def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ BaseFrame.redraw( self, force ) if self.dialog: self.dialog.setparent( self.dialog.render()
def resize(
self, x, y, width, height)
resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor
def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ BaseFrame.resize(self,x,y,width,height) if self.dialog: self.dialog.setparent( self.dialog.resize()
def setdialog(
self, dialog)
installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling
def setdialog(self,dialog): """ installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling """ self.dialog = copy.copy(dialog) self.changed = True
def setlborder(
self, flag)
our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1
def setlborder( self, flag ): """ our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1 """ if self.lborder == flag: return self.lborder = flag if flag: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width-1,self.y,self.x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width,self.y,self.x) self.changed = True
Instance variables
var dialog
class EditorFrame
Each frame keeps track of an editor instance in a subwindow
class EditorFrame ( BaseFrame ): """ Each frame keeps track of an editor instance in a subwindow """ def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width, lborder = False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ BaseFrame.__init__( self, parent,x,y,height,width,lborder ) self.editor = None def __del__(self): """ clean up our subwindow when we close """ BaseFrame.__del__(self) self.editor = None def __copy__(self): """ copy of editor frame """ ef = EditorFrame( self.parent, self.x, self.y, self.height, self.width, self.lborder ) return ef def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ BaseFrame.redraw( self, force ) if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( if self.editor.has_changes() or force: if force: self.editor.invalidate_screen() self.editor.redraw() def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ BaseFrame.resize(self,x,y,width,height) if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( self.editor.resize() def seteditor(self,editor): """ installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling """ self.editor = editor if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( self.editor.resize() self.changed = True
Ancestors (in MRO)
- EditorFrame
- BaseFrame
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, parent, x, y, height, width, lborder=False)
parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters
def __init__(self,parent,x,y,height,width, lborder = False): """ parent is the curses window we're embedded in, x,y are our upper left coordinate, height,width are the size in characters """ BaseFrame.__init__( self, parent,x,y,height,width,lborder ) self.editor = None
def getrect(
get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border
def getrect(self): """ get a rect as (x,y,width,height) always includes the left border""" return (self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height)
def redraw(
self, force=True)
redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw
def redraw(self,force=True): """ redraw the frame updating the frame and the embedded editor as needed, force == True causes full redraw """ BaseFrame.redraw( self, force ) if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( if self.editor.has_changes() or force: if force: self.editor.invalidate_screen() self.editor.redraw()
def resize(
self, x, y, width, height)
resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor
def resize(self,x,y,width,height): """ resizes the window, and adjusts the size of the embedded editor """ BaseFrame.resize(self,x,y,width,height) if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( self.editor.resize()
def seteditor(
self, editor)
installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling
def seteditor(self,editor): """ installs a new editor into this frame, we copy it each time so we get independent scrolling """ self.editor = editor if self.editor: self.editor.setWin( self.editor.resize() self.changed = True
def setlborder(
self, flag)
our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1
def setlborder( self, flag ): """ our frames only have an optional left border to conserve screen space, this turns on/off the left border which is drawn at x-1 """ if self.lborder == flag: return self.lborder = flag if flag: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width-1,self.y,self.x+1) else: = self.parent.subwin(self.height,self.width,self.y,self.x) self.changed = True
Instance variables
var editor
class EditorManager
class manages a collection of editors and editor frames that tile the full terminal service
class EditorManager: """ class manages a collection of editors and editor frames that tile the full terminal service """ def __init__(self,scr): """ constructed with scr == curses screen or window object to manage within """ (self.max_y,self.max_x) = scr.getmaxyx() self.editors = [] self.frames = [EditorFrame(scr,0,0,self.max_y,self.max_x)] self.current = 0 self.current_frame = 0 self.scr = scr def __del__(self): if self.editors: for e in self.editors: e.close() self.editors = None self.frames = None def getCurrentFrame(self): """ get the current frame """ return self.frames[self.current_frame] def getCurrentEditor(self): """ return the current editor for the current frame or None if it isn't an editor """ f = self.getCurrentFrame() if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): return f.editor else: return None def setEditor(self, frame, editor): """ maintain relationship between frames list and editors list so that each editor in the editor's list occurs only 0 or 1 times in the frames list """ for f in self.frames: if f.editor == editor: if repr(f) == repr(frame): return else: frame.seteditor(copy.copy(editor)) return frame.seteditor(editor) def splitFrame(self,horizontal = True): """ split the current frame into two frames either vertically (default) or horizontally if horizontal == True """ (x,y,width,height) = self.frames[self.current_frame].getrect() if horizontal and height <= 6: return if not horizontal and width <= 20: return newFrame = copy.copy(self.frames[self.current_frame]) if isinstance(newFrame,EditorFrame): self.setEditor(newFrame,self.frames[self.current_frame].editor) else: newFrame.setdialog(self.frames[self.current_frame].dialog) self.frames.insert(self.current_frame,newFrame) if horizontal: self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(x,y,width,height//2) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].resize(x,y+(height//2),width,height-(height//2)) self.current_frame += 1 else: self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(x,y,width//2,height) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].resize(x+(width//2),y,width-(width//2),height) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].setlborder(True) self.current_frame += 1 def addEditor( self, e ): """ add a new editor to the list of editors to manage make it the editor in the current frame """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): filename = os.path.abspath(e.getWorkfile().getFilename()) idx = 0 while idx < len(self.editors): cfilename = os.path.abspath(self.editors[idx].getWorkfile().getFilename()) if cfilename == filename: self.current = idx break idx += 1 else: self.editors.insert(self.current,e) self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def delEditor( self): """ close an editor and remove it from the list, fall back to the previous editor in the current frame """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): editor = self.editors[self.current] filename = editor.workfile.filename self.editors.remove(editor) if self.current >= len(self.editors): self.current = len(self.editors)-1 if self.current < 0: self.current = 0 if not len(self.editors): for f in self.frames: self.setEditor(f,None) editor.close() return else: self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) foundFilename = True while foundFilename: for idx in range(0,len(self.frames)): if isinstance(self.frames[idx],EditorFrame): if self.frames[idx].editor.workfile.filename == filename: cur_frame = self.frames[self.current_frame] self.current_frame = idx self.killFrame() for jdx in range(0,len(self.frames)): if self.frames[jdx] == cur_frame: self.current_frame = jdx break else: foundFilename = False editor.close() def nextEditor(self): """ set the next editor to be current, wrap around in the list """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.current += 1 if self.current > len(self.editors)-1: self.current = 0 self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def prevEditor(self): """ set the previous editor to be current, wrap around in the list """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.current -= 1 if self.current < 0: self.current = len(self.editors)-1 self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def syncFrameEditor(self): """ sync the current frame's editor with the current editor """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): for idx in range(0,len(self.editors)): if self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.workfile.filename == self.editors[idx].workfile.filename: self.current = idx break def nextFrame(self): """ set the next frame to be current, wrap around the list """ self.current_frame += 1 if self.current_frame > len(self.frames)-1: self.current_frame = 0 self.syncFrameEditor() def killFrame(self): """ kill the current frame and clean up the remaining ones, there are still issues here """ if (len(self.frames)-1): (x,y,width,height) = self.frames[self.current_frame].getrect() # width adjusted for border if needed del self.frames[self.current_frame] if self.current_frame > (len(self.frames)-1): self.current_frame -= 1 frames_to_adjust = [] total_height = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fy >= y and fy+fheight <= y+height and fx+fwidth == x: # window to left of us frames_to_adjust.append ((f,fx,fy,fwidth+width,fheight)) total_height += fheight if total_height == height: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_height = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fy >= y and fy+fheight <= y+height and x+width == fx: # window to right of us frames_to_adjust.append((f,x,fy,fwidth+width,fheight)) total_height += fheight if total_height == height: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_width = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fx >= x and fx+fwidth <= x+width and y+height == fy: # window below us (don't use frame adjustement for this one) frames_to_adjust.append((f,fx,y,fwidth,height+fheight)) total_width += fwidth if total_width == width: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_width = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fx >= x and fx+fwidth <= x+width and fy+fheight == y: # window above us (don't use frame adjustement for this one) frames_to_adjust.append((f,fx,fy,fwidth,height+fheight)) total_width += fwidth if total_width == width: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return self.syncFrameEditor() def zoomFrame(self): """ make the current frame fill the screen and get rid of all of the others """ self.frames = [self.frames[self.current_frame]] self.current_frame = 0 max_y,max_x = self.frames[self.current_frame].parent.getmaxyx() self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(0,0,max_x,max_y) self.frames[self.current_frame].setlborder(False) self.syncFrameEditor() def replaceFrame(self, frameClass ): """ replace the current frame with a new frame of frameClass type """ curframe = self.frames[self.current_frame] newframe = frameClass(curframe.parent, curframe.x, curframe.y, curframe.height, curframe.width, curframe.lborder ) self.frames[self.current_frame] = newframe return newframe def openEditor(self): """ open a new file in the current window, launches the file dialog allowing choosing or typing in a file name """ if not isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.replaceFrame(EditorFrame) f = file_dialog.FileDialog(self.scr,"Open or create file") choices = f.main() if choices and choices["file"]: self.addEditor(editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,os.path.join(choices["dir"],choices["file"]))) def resize(self): """ handle the resize event from the parent window and re-layout the parent window """ ymax,xmax = self.scr.getmaxyx() if self.max_x == xmax and self.max_y == ymax: return temp_frames = [] for f in self.frames: (x,y,width,height) = f.getrect() temp_frames.append((f,x,y,width,height)) if self.max_x != xmax: already_horizontal = [] for oy in range(0,max(ymax,self.max_y)): frames_to_adjust = [] for fidx in range(0,len(temp_frames)): (f,x,y,width,height) = temp_frames[fidx] if y <= oy and y+height > oy: frames_to_adjust.append(fidx) remaining_width = xmax frames_to_adjust.sort(key=lambda x: temp_frames[x][1]) start_x = 0 for idx in range(0,len(frames_to_adjust)): f,x,y,width,height = temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] if f in already_horizontal: pass elif idx == len(frames_to_adjust)-1: width = remaining_width temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,start_x,y,width,height) already_horizontal.append(f) else: width = remaining_width // (len(frames_to_adjust)-idx) temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,start_x,y,width,height) already_horizontal.append(f) start_x += width remaining_width -= width if self.max_y != ymax: already_vertical = [] for ox in range(0,max(self.max_x,xmax)): frames_to_adjust = [] for fidx in range(0,len(temp_frames)): (f,x,y,width,height) = temp_frames[fidx] if x <= ox and x+width > ox: frames_to_adjust.append(fidx) remaining_height = ymax frames_to_adjust.sort(key=lambda x: temp_frames[x][2]) start_y = 0 for idx in range(0,len(frames_to_adjust)): f,x,y,width,height = temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] if f in already_vertical: pass elif idx == len(frames_to_adjust)-1: height = remaining_height temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,x,start_y,width,height) already_vertical.append(f) else: height = remaining_height // (len(frames_to_adjust)-idx) temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,x,start_y,width,height) already_vertical.append(f) start_y += height remaining_height -= height for f,x,y,width,height in temp_frames: f.resize(x,y,width,height) self.max_x = xmax self.max_y = ymax def bufferList( self ): """ show the buffer list and allow selection of a new buffer to edit """ changed = { True:"*", False:" " } names = [] for e in self.editors: if e.getFilename(): name = changed[e.isChanged()] + e.getFilename() else: name = " "+e.getWorkfile().getFilename() names.append(name) result = buffer_dialog.choose_buffer(self.scr, names ) if result: self.current = names.index(result) self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) def fileFind( self , fpat=".*",cpat="",recurse=False): """ launch the file find dialog box """ result = file_find.filefind(self.scr,fpat=fpat,cpat=cpat,recurse=recurse) if result: editor = editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,result[0]) editor.goto(result[1],0) self.addEditor(editor) return True return False def sftpDialog( self , title="SFTP FileManager", remote_path="", ssh_username="", ssh_password="", local_path="."): """ launch the file find dialog box """ result = sftpDialog(self.scr, title = "SFTP File Manager", remote_path=remote_path, ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, local_path=local_path ) if result: editor = editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,result) editor.goto(0,0) self.addEditor(editor) return True return False def mouseEvent( self ): """ handle mouse events """ try: mid, mx, my, mz, mtype = curses.getmouse() cf = 0 f = None while (cf < len(self.frames)): if self.frames[cf].win.enclose(my,mx): f = self.frames[cf] break cf += 1 else: return by,bx = oy = my - by - 1 ox = mx - bx if oy < 0: return if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): line = f.editor.line + oy pos = f.editor.left + ox if mtype & (curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED): (line,pos) = f.editor.filePos(line,pos) f.editor.goto(line,pos) self.current_frame = cf self.syncFrameEditor() if mtype & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED: f.editor.mark_span() if (mtype & curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED) and f.editor.isMark(): f.editor.mark_span() else: self.current_frame = cf except: return def redraw(self, force = False): """ redraw the editor manager and all the subframes, do minimal updates unless force is True """ for f in self.frames: if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): new_cursor_state = (f == self.frames[self.current_frame]) old_cursor_state = f.editor.showcursor(new_cursor_state) f.editor.setfocus(new_cursor_state) force = force or (old_cursor_state != new_cursor_state) f.redraw(force) self.scr.leaveok(1) self.scr.refresh() self.scr.leaveok(0) def main(self,blocking = True): """ this is the main driver for the editor manager it displays the frames and gets it's keystrokes from the current frame, only the key events that are released """ force = not blocking curses.mousemask( curses.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS | curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION ) self.scr.keypad(1) while len(self.editors): self.redraw(force) # if force: # self.scr.noutrefresh() # force = True if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): # if the buffer has a real filename then when it is current be in its directory filename = self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.getFilename() if filename: (path,filename) = os.path.split(filename) if os.path.exists(path): os.chdir(path) # run the editor in non blocking mode to have it process keystrokes returns unhandled ones cmd_id, seq = keymap.mapseq(keymap.keymap_manager,self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.main(False)) else: # run the dialog non blocking mode to have it process keystrokes returns unhandled ones (seq, values) = self.frames[self.current_frame].dialog.main(False) cmd_id, seq = keymap.mapseq(keymap.keymap_manager,seq) if extension_manager.is_extension(cmd_id): if not extension_manager.invoke_extension( cmd_id, self, seq ): return seq if cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_KILLFRAME and not (len(self.frames)-1): cmd_id = cmd_names.CMD_EXITNOSAVE if cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_NEXTEDITOR: self.nextEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_RESIZE: self.resize() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_REFRESH: self.redraw(True) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_NEXTFRAME: self.nextFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_BUFFERLIST: self.bufferList() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_FILEFIND: self.fileFind() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SFTP: self.sftpDialog() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SAVEEXIT: for e in self.editors: if e.isChanged(): return seq elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_HELP: self.addEditor(editor_common.StreamEditor(self.scr,None, "Help", io.StringIO(ped_help.get_help()),wait=True)) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SHELLCMD: cmd = prompt(self.scr,"Shell command","> ",-1,name="shell") if cmd: self.addEditor(editor_common.StreamEditor(self.scr,None, time.asctime()+" > "+cmd, subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=1024, encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout)) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_OPENEDITOR: self.openEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_PREVEDITOR: self.prevEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_HORZSPLIT: self.splitFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_VERTSPLIT: self.splitFrame(False) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_ZOOMFRAME: self.zoomFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_KILLFRAME: self.killFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_MOUSE: self.mouseEvent() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DELEDITOR: if self.editors[self.current].isChanged(): if confirm(self.scr,"File modified, remove anyway?"): self.delEditor() else: self.delEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_EXITNOSAVE: # esc modified = 0 for e in self.editors: if e.isChanged(): modified += 1 if modified: if confirm(self.scr,"%d changed files, exit anyway?"%(modified)): return keytab.KEYTAB_ESC else: return keytab.KEYTAB_ESC if seq == keytab.KEYTAB_REFRESH: self.redraw(True) # else: # force = False if not blocking: self.scr.refresh() return seq
Ancestors (in MRO)
- EditorManager
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, scr)
constructed with scr == curses screen or window object to manage within
def __init__(self,scr): """ constructed with scr == curses screen or window object to manage within """ (self.max_y,self.max_x) = scr.getmaxyx() self.editors = [] self.frames = [EditorFrame(scr,0,0,self.max_y,self.max_x)] self.current = 0 self.current_frame = 0 self.scr = scr
def addEditor(
self, e)
add a new editor to the list of editors to manage make it the editor in the current frame
def addEditor( self, e ): """ add a new editor to the list of editors to manage make it the editor in the current frame """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): filename = os.path.abspath(e.getWorkfile().getFilename()) idx = 0 while idx < len(self.editors): cfilename = os.path.abspath(self.editors[idx].getWorkfile().getFilename()) if cfilename == filename: self.current = idx break idx += 1 else: self.editors.insert(self.current,e) self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current])
def bufferList(
show the buffer list and allow selection of a new buffer to edit
def bufferList( self ): """ show the buffer list and allow selection of a new buffer to edit """ changed = { True:"*", False:" " } names = [] for e in self.editors: if e.getFilename(): name = changed[e.isChanged()] + e.getFilename() else: name = " "+e.getWorkfile().getFilename() names.append(name) result = buffer_dialog.choose_buffer(self.scr, names ) if result: self.current = names.index(result) self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current])
def delEditor(
close an editor and remove it from the list, fall back to the previous editor in the current frame
def delEditor( self): """ close an editor and remove it from the list, fall back to the previous editor in the current frame """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): editor = self.editors[self.current] filename = editor.workfile.filename self.editors.remove(editor) if self.current >= len(self.editors): self.current = len(self.editors)-1 if self.current < 0: self.current = 0 if not len(self.editors): for f in self.frames: self.setEditor(f,None) editor.close() return else: self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current]) foundFilename = True while foundFilename: for idx in range(0,len(self.frames)): if isinstance(self.frames[idx],EditorFrame): if self.frames[idx].editor.workfile.filename == filename: cur_frame = self.frames[self.current_frame] self.current_frame = idx self.killFrame() for jdx in range(0,len(self.frames)): if self.frames[jdx] == cur_frame: self.current_frame = jdx break else: foundFilename = False editor.close()
def fileFind(
self, fpat='.*', cpat='', recurse=False)
launch the file find dialog box
def fileFind( self , fpat=".*",cpat="",recurse=False): """ launch the file find dialog box """ result = file_find.filefind(self.scr,fpat=fpat,cpat=cpat,recurse=recurse) if result: editor = editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,result[0]) editor.goto(result[1],0) self.addEditor(editor) return True return False
def getCurrentEditor(
return the current editor for the current frame or None if it isn't an editor
def getCurrentEditor(self): """ return the current editor for the current frame or None if it isn't an editor """ f = self.getCurrentFrame() if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): return f.editor else: return None
def getCurrentFrame(
get the current frame
def getCurrentFrame(self): """ get the current frame """ return self.frames[self.current_frame]
def killFrame(
kill the current frame and clean up the remaining ones, there are still issues here
def killFrame(self): """ kill the current frame and clean up the remaining ones, there are still issues here """ if (len(self.frames)-1): (x,y,width,height) = self.frames[self.current_frame].getrect() # width adjusted for border if needed del self.frames[self.current_frame] if self.current_frame > (len(self.frames)-1): self.current_frame -= 1 frames_to_adjust = [] total_height = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fy >= y and fy+fheight <= y+height and fx+fwidth == x: # window to left of us frames_to_adjust.append ((f,fx,fy,fwidth+width,fheight)) total_height += fheight if total_height == height: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_height = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fy >= y and fy+fheight <= y+height and x+width == fx: # window to right of us frames_to_adjust.append((f,x,fy,fwidth+width,fheight)) total_height += fheight if total_height == height: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_width = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fx >= x and fx+fwidth <= x+width and y+height == fy: # window below us (don't use frame adjustement for this one) frames_to_adjust.append((f,fx,y,fwidth,height+fheight)) total_width += fwidth if total_width == width: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return frames_to_adjust = [] total_width = 0 for f in self.frames: (fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) = f.getrect() if fx >= x and fx+fwidth <= x+width and fy+fheight == y: # window above us (don't use frame adjustement for this one) frames_to_adjust.append((f,fx,fy,fwidth,height+fheight)) total_width += fwidth if total_width == width: for f,fx,fy,fwidth,fheight in frames_to_adjust: f.resize(fx,fy,fwidth,fheight) f.setlborder(fx != 0) return self.syncFrameEditor()
def main(
self, blocking=True)
this is the main driver for the editor manager it displays the frames and gets it's keystrokes from the current frame, only the key events that are released
def main(self,blocking = True): """ this is the main driver for the editor manager it displays the frames and gets it's keystrokes from the current frame, only the key events that are released """ force = not blocking curses.mousemask( curses.ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS | curses.REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION ) self.scr.keypad(1) while len(self.editors): self.redraw(force) if force: self.scr.noutrefresh() force = True if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): # if the buffer has a real filename then when it is current be in its directory filename = self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.getFilename() if filename: (path,filename) = os.path.split(filename) if os.path.exists(path): os.chdir(path) # run the editor in non blocking mode to have it process keystrokes returns unhandled ones cmd_id, seq = keymap.mapseq(keymap.keymap_manager,self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.main(False)) else: # run the dialog non blocking mode to have it process keystrokes returns unhandled ones (seq, values) = self.frames[self.current_frame].dialog.main(False) cmd_id, seq = keymap.mapseq(keymap.keymap_manager,seq) if extension_manager.is_extension(cmd_id): if not extension_manager.invoke_extension( cmd_id, self, seq ): return seq if cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_KILLFRAME and not (len(self.frames)-1): cmd_id = cmd_names.CMD_EXITNOSAVE if cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_NEXTEDITOR: self.nextEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_RESIZE: self.resize() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_REFRESH: self.redraw(True) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_NEXTFRAME: self.nextFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_BUFFERLIST: self.bufferList() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_FILEFIND: self.fileFind() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SFTP: self.sftpDialog() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SAVEEXIT: for e in self.editors: if e.isChanged(): return seq elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_HELP: self.addEditor(editor_common.StreamEditor(self.scr,None, "Help", io.StringIO(ped_help.get_help()),wait=True)) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_SHELLCMD: cmd = prompt(self.scr,"Shell command","> ",-1,name="shell") if cmd: self.addEditor(editor_common.StreamEditor(self.scr,None, time.asctime()+" > "+cmd, subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=1024, encoding="utf-8", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).stdout)) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_OPENEDITOR: self.openEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_PREVEDITOR: self.prevEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_HORZSPLIT: self.splitFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_VERTSPLIT: self.splitFrame(False) elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_ZOOMFRAME: self.zoomFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_KILLFRAME: self.killFrame() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_MOUSE: self.mouseEvent() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DELEDITOR: if self.editors[self.current].isChanged(): if confirm(self.scr,"File modified, remove anyway?"): self.delEditor() else: self.delEditor() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_EXITNOSAVE: # esc modified = 0 for e in self.editors: if e.isChanged(): modified += 1 if modified: if confirm(self.scr,"%d changed files, exit anyway?"%(modified)): return keytab.KEYTAB_ESC else: return keytab.KEYTAB_ESC if seq == keytab.KEYTAB_REFRESH: self.redraw(True) else: force = False if not blocking: self.scr.refresh() return seq
def mouseEvent(
handle mouse events
def mouseEvent( self ): """ handle mouse events """ try: mid, mx, my, mz, mtype = curses.getmouse() cf = 0 f = None while (cf < len(self.frames)): if self.frames[cf].win.enclose(my,mx): f = self.frames[cf] break cf += 1 else: return by,bx = oy = my - by - 1 ox = mx - bx if oy < 0: return if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): line = f.editor.line + oy pos = f.editor.left + ox if mtype & (curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED): (line,pos) = f.editor.filePos(line,pos) f.editor.goto(line,pos) self.current_frame = cf self.syncFrameEditor() if mtype & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED: f.editor.mark_span() if (mtype & curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED) and f.editor.isMark(): f.editor.mark_span() else: self.current_frame = cf except: return
def nextEditor(
set the next editor to be current, wrap around in the list
def nextEditor(self): """ set the next editor to be current, wrap around in the list """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.current += 1 if self.current > len(self.editors)-1: self.current = 0 self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current])
def nextFrame(
set the next frame to be current, wrap around the list
def nextFrame(self): """ set the next frame to be current, wrap around the list """ self.current_frame += 1 if self.current_frame > len(self.frames)-1: self.current_frame = 0 self.syncFrameEditor()
def openEditor(
open a new file in the current window, launches the file dialog allowing choosing or typing in a file name
def openEditor(self): """ open a new file in the current window, launches the file dialog allowing choosing or typing in a file name """ if not isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.replaceFrame(EditorFrame) f = file_dialog.FileDialog(self.scr,"Open or create file") choices = f.main() if choices and choices["file"]: self.addEditor(editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,os.path.join(choices["dir"],choices["file"])))
def prevEditor(
set the previous editor to be current, wrap around in the list
def prevEditor(self): """ set the previous editor to be current, wrap around in the list """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): self.current -= 1 if self.current < 0: self.current = len(self.editors)-1 self.setEditor(self.frames[self.current_frame],self.editors[self.current])
def redraw(
self, force=False)
redraw the editor manager and all the subframes, do minimal updates unless force is True
def redraw(self, force = False): """ redraw the editor manager and all the subframes, do minimal updates unless force is True """ for f in self.frames: if isinstance(f,EditorFrame): new_cursor_state = (f == self.frames[self.current_frame]) old_cursor_state = f.editor.showcursor(new_cursor_state) f.editor.setfocus(new_cursor_state) force = force or (old_cursor_state != new_cursor_state) f.redraw(force) self.scr.leaveok(1) self.scr.refresh() self.scr.leaveok(0)
def replaceFrame(
self, frameClass)
replace the current frame with a new frame of frameClass type
def replaceFrame(self, frameClass ): """ replace the current frame with a new frame of frameClass type """ curframe = self.frames[self.current_frame] newframe = frameClass(curframe.parent, curframe.x, curframe.y, curframe.height, curframe.width, curframe.lborder ) self.frames[self.current_frame] = newframe return newframe
def resize(
handle the resize event from the parent window and re-layout the parent window
def resize(self): """ handle the resize event from the parent window and re-layout the parent window """ ymax,xmax = self.scr.getmaxyx() if self.max_x == xmax and self.max_y == ymax: return temp_frames = [] for f in self.frames: (x,y,width,height) = f.getrect() temp_frames.append((f,x,y,width,height)) if self.max_x != xmax: already_horizontal = [] for oy in range(0,max(ymax,self.max_y)): frames_to_adjust = [] for fidx in range(0,len(temp_frames)): (f,x,y,width,height) = temp_frames[fidx] if y <= oy and y+height > oy: frames_to_adjust.append(fidx) remaining_width = xmax frames_to_adjust.sort(key=lambda x: temp_frames[x][1]) start_x = 0 for idx in range(0,len(frames_to_adjust)): f,x,y,width,height = temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] if f in already_horizontal: pass elif idx == len(frames_to_adjust)-1: width = remaining_width temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,start_x,y,width,height) already_horizontal.append(f) else: width = remaining_width // (len(frames_to_adjust)-idx) temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,start_x,y,width,height) already_horizontal.append(f) start_x += width remaining_width -= width if self.max_y != ymax: already_vertical = [] for ox in range(0,max(self.max_x,xmax)): frames_to_adjust = [] for fidx in range(0,len(temp_frames)): (f,x,y,width,height) = temp_frames[fidx] if x <= ox and x+width > ox: frames_to_adjust.append(fidx) remaining_height = ymax frames_to_adjust.sort(key=lambda x: temp_frames[x][2]) start_y = 0 for idx in range(0,len(frames_to_adjust)): f,x,y,width,height = temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] if f in already_vertical: pass elif idx == len(frames_to_adjust)-1: height = remaining_height temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,x,start_y,width,height) already_vertical.append(f) else: height = remaining_height // (len(frames_to_adjust)-idx) temp_frames[frames_to_adjust[idx]] = (f,x,start_y,width,height) already_vertical.append(f) start_y += height remaining_height -= height for f,x,y,width,height in temp_frames: f.resize(x,y,width,height) self.max_x = xmax self.max_y = ymax
def setEditor(
self, frame, editor)
maintain relationship between frames list and editors list so that each editor in the editor's list occurs only 0 or 1 times in the frames list
def setEditor(self, frame, editor): """ maintain relationship between frames list and editors list so that each editor in the editor's list occurs only 0 or 1 times in the frames list """ for f in self.frames: if f.editor == editor: if repr(f) == repr(frame): return else: frame.seteditor(copy.copy(editor)) return frame.seteditor(editor)
def sftpDialog(
self, title='SFTP FileManager', remote_path='', ssh_username='', ssh_password='', local_path='.')
launch the file find dialog box
def sftpDialog( self , title="SFTP FileManager", remote_path="", ssh_username="", ssh_password="", local_path="."): """ launch the file find dialog box """ result = sftpDialog(self.scr, title = "SFTP File Manager", remote_path=remote_path, ssh_username=ssh_username, ssh_password=ssh_password, local_path=local_path ) if result: editor = editor_common.Editor(self.scr,None,result) editor.goto(0,0) self.addEditor(editor) return True return False
def splitFrame(
self, horizontal=True)
split the current frame into two frames either vertically (default) or horizontally if horizontal == True
def splitFrame(self,horizontal = True): """ split the current frame into two frames either vertically (default) or horizontally if horizontal == True """ (x,y,width,height) = self.frames[self.current_frame].getrect() if horizontal and height <= 6: return if not horizontal and width <= 20: return newFrame = copy.copy(self.frames[self.current_frame]) if isinstance(newFrame,EditorFrame): self.setEditor(newFrame,self.frames[self.current_frame].editor) else: newFrame.setdialog(self.frames[self.current_frame].dialog) self.frames.insert(self.current_frame,newFrame) if horizontal: self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(x,y,width,height//2) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].resize(x,y+(height//2),width,height-(height//2)) self.current_frame += 1 else: self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(x,y,width//2,height) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].resize(x+(width//2),y,width-(width//2),height) self.frames[self.current_frame+1].setlborder(True) self.current_frame += 1
def syncFrameEditor(
sync the current frame's editor with the current editor
def syncFrameEditor(self): """ sync the current frame's editor with the current editor """ if isinstance(self.frames[self.current_frame],EditorFrame): for idx in range(0,len(self.editors)): if self.frames[self.current_frame].editor.workfile.filename == self.editors[idx].workfile.filename: self.current = idx break
def zoomFrame(
make the current frame fill the screen and get rid of all of the others
def zoomFrame(self): """ make the current frame fill the screen and get rid of all of the others """ self.frames = [self.frames[self.current_frame]] self.current_frame = 0 max_y,max_x = self.frames[self.current_frame].parent.getmaxyx() self.frames[self.current_frame].resize(0,0,max_x,max_y) self.frames[self.current_frame].setlborder(False) self.syncFrameEditor()
Instance variables
var current
var current_frame
var editors
var frames
var scr