ped_core.mode module
module to implement common functions for modes for the ped editor does colorizing of code
# Copyright 2009-2010 James P Goodwin ped tiny python editor """ module to implement common functions for modes for the ped editor does colorizing of code """ import threading import copy import curses import os class Tokens: """ object to act as holder for token list, and to coordinate with token generation thread """ def __init__(self): """ no args to constructor """ self.tokens = {} self.modref = -1 self.thread = None self.lock = threading.Lock() def __del__(self): """ get rid of any lingering references """ self.tokens = None self.thread = None self.lock = None def getTokens(self): """ get the token list if there is one """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.tokens finally: self.lock.release() def copyTokens(self): """ get the token list if there is one """ self.lock.acquire() try: return copy.copy(self.tokens) finally: self.lock.release() def setTokens(self,tokens): """ set the token list """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.tokens = tokens finally: self.lock.release() def getModref(self): """ get the modification reference number that these tokens were generated from """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.modref finally: self.lock.release() def setModref(self,modref): """ set the modref for this set of tokens """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.modref = modref finally: self.lock.release() def getThread(self): """ get the reference to the generation thread """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.thread finally: self.lock.release() def setThread(self,thread): """ set the reference to the generation thread """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.thread = thread finally: self.lock.release() def refresh(self,editor,lexer): """ refresh the token list based on a new EditFile, does nothing if a thread is already running """ self.lock.acquire() try: if self.thread: return self.thread = threading.Thread(target = gen_tokens, args= (self,editor,lexer)) self.thread.start() finally: self.lock.release() def gen_tokens( tokenobj, editor, lexer ): """ thread worker function, reads and tokenizes the EditFile passed to it stores the list in the Token object provided, updates the modref, closes the EditFile """ tokens = tokenobj.copyTokens() workfile = copy.copy(editor.workfile) row = 0 while row < workfile.numLines(): if (workfile.isLineChanged(editor,row)): line = workfile.getLine(row)+'\n' if line: line_tokens = [] for (index,tokentype,value) in lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(line): line_tokens.append((tokentype, value, (row,index), (row,index+len(value)), line)) tokens[row] = line_tokens elif line in tokens: del tokens[line] row = row + 1 for l in list(tokens.keys()): if l >= workfile.numLines(): del tokens[l] tokenobj.setTokens(tokens) tokenobj.setModref(workfile.getModref()) tokenobj.setThread(None) workfile.close() del workfile workfile = None def is_token_in( token, list_token_classes ): """ return true if token is in the list or is a subclass of anything in the list """ for c_token in list_token_classes: if token in c_token: return True return False def render( editor, tokens, keywords, strings, comments ): """ using token map (keywords, strings, comments) hilight the tokens in the editor """ curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_GREEN,curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2,curses.COLOR_RED,curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3,curses.COLOR_CYAN,curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4,curses.COLOR_WHITE,curses.COLOR_BLACK) green = curses.color_pair(1) red = curses.color_pair(2) cyan = curses.color_pair(3) white = curses.color_pair(4) if tokens: tokens = tokens.getTokens() else: tokens = {} cursor_line,cursor_pos = editor.prevPos() sc_cursor_line,sc_cursor_pos = editor.window_pos(cursor_line,cursor_pos) start_line = editor.line lidx = start_line max_sc_line = 1 while lidx < start_line+(editor.max_y-1): f_line,f_pos = editor.filePos(lidx,editor.left) line_changed = editor.workfile.isLineChanged(editor,f_line) is_cursor_line = (f_line == cursor_line) if line_changed or is_cursor_line: if f_line in tokens: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(f_line,f_pos) if line_changed and sc_line > 0: editor.addstr(sc_line,0,' '*editor.max_x) if is_cursor_line: editor.addstr(sc_cursor_line,sc_cursor_pos,' ') line_tokens = tokens[f_line] for (t_type, t_text, (t_srow,t_scol), (t_erow,t_ecol), t_line) in line_tokens: if is_token_in(t_type,keywords): attr = cyan elif is_token_in(t_type,strings): attr = green elif is_token_in(t_type,comments): attr = red else: attr = white for ch in t_text: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(t_srow,t_scol) if sc_line > 0 and sc_line < editor.max_y and sc_pos >= 0 and sc_pos < editor.max_x: if line_changed or (is_cursor_line and sc_line == sc_cursor_line and sc_pos == sc_cursor_pos): editor.addstr(sc_line,sc_pos,ch,attr) t_scol += 1 if sc_line > max_sc_line: max_sc_line = sc_line else: if lidx >= editor.numLines(True): max_sc_line += 1 editor.addstr(max_sc_line,0,' '*editor.max_x) else: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(f_line,f_pos) l = editor.getContent(lidx,editor.left+editor.max_x,True,True) if line_changed and sc_line > 0: editor.addstr(sc_line,0,l[editor.left:editor.left+editor.max_x]) if is_cursor_line: editor.addstr(sc_cursor_line,sc_cursor_pos,l[sc_cursor_pos]) if sc_line > max_sc_line: max_sc_line = sc_line else: if lidx >= editor.numLines(True): max_sc_line += 1 else: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(f_line,f_pos) if sc_line > max_sc_line: max_sc_line = sc_line lidx = lidx + 1 return True
def gen_tokens(
tokenobj, editor, lexer)
thread worker function, reads and tokenizes the EditFile passed to it stores the list in the Token object provided, updates the modref, closes the EditFile
def gen_tokens( tokenobj, editor, lexer ): """ thread worker function, reads and tokenizes the EditFile passed to it stores the list in the Token object provided, updates the modref, closes the EditFile """ tokens = tokenobj.copyTokens() workfile = copy.copy(editor.workfile) row = 0 while row < workfile.numLines(): if (workfile.isLineChanged(editor,row)): line = workfile.getLine(row)+'\n' if line: line_tokens = [] for (index,tokentype,value) in lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(line): line_tokens.append((tokentype, value, (row,index), (row,index+len(value)), line)) tokens[row] = line_tokens elif line in tokens: del tokens[line] row = row + 1 for l in list(tokens.keys()): if l >= workfile.numLines(): del tokens[l] tokenobj.setTokens(tokens) tokenobj.setModref(workfile.getModref()) tokenobj.setThread(None) workfile.close() del workfile workfile = None
def is_token_in(
token, list_token_classes)
return true if token is in the list or is a subclass of anything in the list
def is_token_in( token, list_token_classes ): """ return true if token is in the list or is a subclass of anything in the list """ for c_token in list_token_classes: if token in c_token: return True return False
def render(
editor, tokens, keywords, strings, comments)
using token map (keywords, strings, comments) hilight the tokens in the editor
def render( editor, tokens, keywords, strings, comments ): """ using token map (keywords, strings, comments) hilight the tokens in the editor """ curses.init_pair(1,curses.COLOR_GREEN,curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(2,curses.COLOR_RED,curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(3,curses.COLOR_CYAN,curses.COLOR_BLACK) curses.init_pair(4,curses.COLOR_WHITE,curses.COLOR_BLACK) green = curses.color_pair(1) red = curses.color_pair(2) cyan = curses.color_pair(3) white = curses.color_pair(4) if tokens: tokens = tokens.getTokens() else: tokens = {} cursor_line,cursor_pos = editor.prevPos() sc_cursor_line,sc_cursor_pos = editor.window_pos(cursor_line,cursor_pos) start_line = editor.line lidx = start_line max_sc_line = 1 while lidx < start_line+(editor.max_y-1): f_line,f_pos = editor.filePos(lidx,editor.left) line_changed = editor.workfile.isLineChanged(editor,f_line) is_cursor_line = (f_line == cursor_line) if line_changed or is_cursor_line: if f_line in tokens: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(f_line,f_pos) if line_changed and sc_line > 0: editor.addstr(sc_line,0,' '*editor.max_x) if is_cursor_line: editor.addstr(sc_cursor_line,sc_cursor_pos,' ') line_tokens = tokens[f_line] for (t_type, t_text, (t_srow,t_scol), (t_erow,t_ecol), t_line) in line_tokens: if is_token_in(t_type,keywords): attr = cyan elif is_token_in(t_type,strings): attr = green elif is_token_in(t_type,comments): attr = red else: attr = white for ch in t_text: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(t_srow,t_scol) if sc_line > 0 and sc_line < editor.max_y and sc_pos >= 0 and sc_pos < editor.max_x: if line_changed or (is_cursor_line and sc_line == sc_cursor_line and sc_pos == sc_cursor_pos): editor.addstr(sc_line,sc_pos,ch,attr) t_scol += 1 if sc_line > max_sc_line: max_sc_line = sc_line else: if lidx >= editor.numLines(True): max_sc_line += 1 editor.addstr(max_sc_line,0,' '*editor.max_x) else: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(f_line,f_pos) l = editor.getContent(lidx,editor.left+editor.max_x,True,True) if line_changed and sc_line > 0: editor.addstr(sc_line,0,l[editor.left:editor.left+editor.max_x]) if is_cursor_line: editor.addstr(sc_cursor_line,sc_cursor_pos,l[sc_cursor_pos]) if sc_line > max_sc_line: max_sc_line = sc_line else: if lidx >= editor.numLines(True): max_sc_line += 1 else: sc_line,sc_pos = editor.window_pos(f_line,f_pos) if sc_line > max_sc_line: max_sc_line = sc_line lidx = lidx + 1 return True
class Tokens
object to act as holder for token list, and to coordinate with token generation thread
class Tokens: """ object to act as holder for token list, and to coordinate with token generation thread """ def __init__(self): """ no args to constructor """ self.tokens = {} self.modref = -1 self.thread = None self.lock = threading.Lock() def __del__(self): """ get rid of any lingering references """ self.tokens = None self.thread = None self.lock = None def getTokens(self): """ get the token list if there is one """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.tokens finally: self.lock.release() def copyTokens(self): """ get the token list if there is one """ self.lock.acquire() try: return copy.copy(self.tokens) finally: self.lock.release() def setTokens(self,tokens): """ set the token list """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.tokens = tokens finally: self.lock.release() def getModref(self): """ get the modification reference number that these tokens were generated from """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.modref finally: self.lock.release() def setModref(self,modref): """ set the modref for this set of tokens """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.modref = modref finally: self.lock.release() def getThread(self): """ get the reference to the generation thread """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.thread finally: self.lock.release() def setThread(self,thread): """ set the reference to the generation thread """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.thread = thread finally: self.lock.release() def refresh(self,editor,lexer): """ refresh the token list based on a new EditFile, does nothing if a thread is already running """ self.lock.acquire() try: if self.thread: return self.thread = threading.Thread(target = gen_tokens, args= (self,editor,lexer)) self.thread.start() finally: self.lock.release()
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Tokens
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
no args to constructor
def __init__(self): """ no args to constructor """ self.tokens = {} self.modref = -1 self.thread = None self.lock = threading.Lock()
def copyTokens(
get the token list if there is one
def copyTokens(self): """ get the token list if there is one """ self.lock.acquire() try: return copy.copy(self.tokens) finally: self.lock.release()
def getModref(
get the modification reference number that these tokens were generated from
def getModref(self): """ get the modification reference number that these tokens were generated from """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.modref finally: self.lock.release()
def getThread(
get the reference to the generation thread
def getThread(self): """ get the reference to the generation thread """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.thread finally: self.lock.release()
def getTokens(
get the token list if there is one
def getTokens(self): """ get the token list if there is one """ self.lock.acquire() try: return self.tokens finally: self.lock.release()
def refresh(
self, editor, lexer)
refresh the token list based on a new EditFile, does nothing if a thread is already running
def refresh(self,editor,lexer): """ refresh the token list based on a new EditFile, does nothing if a thread is already running """ self.lock.acquire() try: if self.thread: return self.thread = threading.Thread(target = gen_tokens, args= (self,editor,lexer)) self.thread.start() finally: self.lock.release()
def setModref(
self, modref)
set the modref for this set of tokens
def setModref(self,modref): """ set the modref for this set of tokens """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.modref = modref finally: self.lock.release()
def setThread(
self, thread)
set the reference to the generation thread
def setThread(self,thread): """ set the reference to the generation thread """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.thread = thread finally: self.lock.release()
def setTokens(
self, tokens)
set the token list
def setTokens(self,tokens): """ set the token list """ self.lock.acquire() try: self.tokens = tokens finally: self.lock.release()
Instance variables
var lock
var modref
var thread
var tokens