ped_core.python_mode module
module to implement a python mode for the ped editor does colorizing of code
# Copyright 2009 James P Goodwin ped tiny python editor """ module to implement a python mode for the ped editor does colorizing of code """ from ped_core import editor_common from ped_dialog.message_dialog import message import re from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer from pygments.token import Token from ped_core.mode import Tokens, render from ped_core import keytab def get_tabs(editor): """ return the tab stops for this type of file """ return [4,8] def detect_mode(editor): """ hook called to detect if this mode should be used for a file, returns True if it should be used, False otherwise """ workfile = editor.getWorkfile() if"(\.py$)|(\.py\:\(r.*\)$)",workfile.getFilename()): return True elif workfile.getLine(0).startswith("#!/usr/bin/python"): return True elif workfile.getLine(0).startswith("#!/usr/bin/env python"): return True else: return False def handle(editor,ch): """ hook called for each keystroke, can be used for auto-indent or auto-complete """ if ch == 10: old_left = editor.left old_line = editor.line wf = editor.getWorkfile() line = editor.line + editor.vpos above = wf.getLine(line-1) match = re.match(r"^\s*(if|for|while|else|elif|try|except|def|class|finally|with)\W",above) if match: stop = wf.get_tab_stop(match.start(1)) editor.insert(stop*' ') else: match = re.match(r"^\s*(\S+)",above) if match: editor.insert(match.start(1)*' ') if editor.left != old_left or editor.line != old_line: editor.invalidate_screen() return 0 return ch def finish(editor): """ this editor is going away do anything required to clean up """ wf = editor.getWorkfile() if wf: if hasattr(wf,"python_mode_tokens"): del wf.python_mode_tokens wf.python_mode_tokens = None delattr(wf,"python_mode_tokens") def redraw(editor): """ redraw the colorization based on the current token set, regenerate it if needed """ workfile = editor.getWorkfile() if hasattr(workfile,"python_mode_tokens"): tokens = workfile.python_mode_tokens else: tokens = Tokens() setattr(workfile,"python_mode_tokens",tokens) if not tokens: return False if not tokens.getTokens() or tokens.getModref() != workfile.getModref(): tokens.refresh(editor,PythonLexer()) return False render(editor, tokens, [Token.Operator.Word,Token.Name.Builtin.Pseudo,Token.Keyword,Token.Keyword.Namespace], [Token.Text,Token.String,Token.Literal.String,Token.Literal.String.Single,Token.Literal.String.Double,Token.Literal.String.Doc], [Token.Comment,Token.Comment.Hashbang,Token.Comment.Multiline,Token.Comment.Single]) return True def name(): """ hook to return this mode's human readable name """ return "python_mode"
def detect_mode(
hook called to detect if this mode should be used for a file, returns True if it should be used, False otherwise
def detect_mode(editor): """ hook called to detect if this mode should be used for a file, returns True if it should be used, False otherwise """ workfile = editor.getWorkfile() if"(\.py$)|(\.py\:\(r.*\)$)",workfile.getFilename()): return True elif workfile.getLine(0).startswith("#!/usr/bin/python"): return True elif workfile.getLine(0).startswith("#!/usr/bin/env python"): return True else: return False
def finish(
this editor is going away do anything required to clean up
def finish(editor): """ this editor is going away do anything required to clean up """ wf = editor.getWorkfile() if wf: if hasattr(wf,"python_mode_tokens"): del wf.python_mode_tokens wf.python_mode_tokens = None delattr(wf,"python_mode_tokens")
def get_tabs(
return the tab stops for this type of file
def get_tabs(editor): """ return the tab stops for this type of file """ return [4,8]
def handle(
editor, ch)
hook called for each keystroke, can be used for auto-indent or auto-complete
def handle(editor,ch): """ hook called for each keystroke, can be used for auto-indent or auto-complete """ if ch == 10: old_left = editor.left old_line = editor.line wf = editor.getWorkfile() line = editor.line + editor.vpos above = wf.getLine(line-1) match = re.match(r"^\s*(if|for|while|else|elif|try|except|def|class|finally|with)\W",above) if match: stop = wf.get_tab_stop(match.start(1)) editor.insert(stop*' ') else: match = re.match(r"^\s*(\S+)",above) if match: editor.insert(match.start(1)*' ') if editor.left != old_left or editor.line != old_line: editor.invalidate_screen() return 0 return ch
def name(
hook to return this mode's human readable name
def name(): """ hook to return this mode's human readable name """ return "python_mode"
def redraw(
redraw the colorization based on the current token set, regenerate it if needed
def redraw(editor): """ redraw the colorization based on the current token set, regenerate it if needed """ workfile = editor.getWorkfile() if hasattr(workfile,"python_mode_tokens"): tokens = workfile.python_mode_tokens else: tokens = Tokens() setattr(workfile,"python_mode_tokens",tokens) if not tokens: return False if not tokens.getTokens() or tokens.getModref() != workfile.getModref(): tokens.refresh(editor,PythonLexer()) return False render(editor, tokens, [Token.Operator.Word,Token.Name.Builtin.Pseudo,Token.Keyword,Token.Keyword.Namespace], [Token.Text,Token.String,Token.Literal.String,Token.Literal.String.Single,Token.Literal.String.Double,Token.Literal.String.Doc], [Token.Comment,Token.Comment.Hashbang,Token.Comment.Multiline,Token.Comment.Single]) return True