ped_dialog.confirm_dialog module
# Copyright 2009 James P Goodwin ped tiny python editor import curses import curses.ascii import sys import os from ped_dialog import dialog class ConfirmDialog(dialog.Dialog): def __init__(self,scr, prompt = "Are you sure ?"): dialog.Dialog.__init__(self,scr,"ConfirmDialog",5,40, [ dialog.Frame(prompt), dialog.Button("Yes",2,32,2,"YES",dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_OK), dialog.Button("No",1,2,2,"NO",dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL)]) def confirm( scr, prompt = "Are you sure ?" ): d = ConfirmDialog(scr,prompt) return d.main() def main(stdscr): return confirm(stdscr,"Test yes no prompt ?") if __name__ == '__main__': if curses.wrapper(main): print("Yes") else: print("No")
def confirm(
scr, prompt='Are you sure ?')
def confirm( scr, prompt = "Are you sure ?" ): d = ConfirmDialog(scr,prompt) return d.main()
def main(
def main(stdscr): return confirm(stdscr,"Test yes no prompt ?")
class ConfirmDialog
base class for UI components defines the standard interface, not useable by itself
class ConfirmDialog(dialog.Dialog): def __init__(self,scr, prompt = "Are you sure ?"): dialog.Dialog.__init__(self,scr,"ConfirmDialog",5,40, [ dialog.Frame(prompt), dialog.Button("Yes",2,32,2,"YES",dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_OK), dialog.Button("No",1,2,2,"NO",dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL)])
Ancestors (in MRO)
- ConfirmDialog
- ped_dialog.dialog.Dialog
- ped_dialog.dialog.Component
- builtins.object
Class variables
var history
Static methods
def __init__(
self, scr, prompt='Are you sure ?')
all components have a name and a tab order, order == -1 means exclude from tab
def __init__(self,scr, prompt = "Are you sure ?"): dialog.Dialog.__init__(self,scr,"ConfirmDialog",5,40, [ dialog.Frame(prompt), dialog.Button("Yes",2,32,2,"YES",dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_OK), dialog.Button("No",1,2,2,"NO",dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL)])
def btab(
def btab(self): if self.focus_list: self.push_history(self.focus_list[self.current][1]) self.current -= 1 if self.current < 0: self.current = len(self.focus_list)-1
def focus(
called when component is the focus
def focus(self): self.focus_list = [] for c in self.children: self.pop_history(c) if c.getorder() > 0: self.focus_list.append((c.getorder(),c)) if not self.focus_list: self.current = 0 return self.focus_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) self.current = 0
def getname(
get the name of this component
def getname(self): """ get the name of this component """ return
def getorder(
get this component's tab order number
def getorder(self): """ get this component's tab order number """ return self.order
def getparent(
get this component's curses target window
def getparent(self): """ get this component's curses target window """ return self.parent
def getvalue(
return the current value of the component
def getvalue(self): value = {} for c in self.children: if c.getname(): value[c.getname()] = c.getvalue() return value
def goto(
self, component)
move focus to this component
def goto(self, component): """ move focus to this component """ for i in range(0,len(self.focus_list)): if self.focus_list[i][1] == component: self.current = i return True return False
def handle(
self, ch)
handle keystrokes for this component
def handle(self, ch): if self.focus_list and ch != keytab.KEYTAB_MOUSE: ch = self.focus_list[self.current][1].handle(ch) cmd_id,ch = keymap.mapseq( keymap.keymap_dialog, ch) if extension_manager.is_extension(cmd_id): if not extension_manager.invoke_extension( cmd_id, self, ch ): return ch if cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DLGNEXT: elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DLGPREV: self.btab() elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DLGUP: if self.focus_list: self.pop_history(self.focus_list[self.current][1]) ch = Component.CMP_KEY_NOP elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DLGMOUSE: ret = self.handle_mouse() if ret >= 0: ch = ret elif cmd_id == cmd_names.CMD_DLGRESIZE: self.resize() return ch
def handle_mouse(
def handle_mouse(self): if self.focus_list and try: mid, mx, my, mz, mtype = curses.getmouse() by,bx = oy = my - by ox = mx - bx for i in range(0,len(self.focus_list)): c = self.focus_list[i][1] ret = c.mouse_event(ox,oy,mtype) if ret >= 0: self.current = i return ret else: return -1 except: return -1
def isempty(
test if the component entry is empty
def isempty(self): """ test if the component entry is empty """ return False
def main(
self, blocking=True, force=False, ch_in=None)
def main(self,blocking = True,force=False,ch_in = None): curses.mousemask( curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED| curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED| curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED) old_cursor = curses.curs_set(1) while (1): if (not keymap.keypending( or force: self.render() if not ch_in: ch = self.handle(keymap.get_keyseq(,keymap.getch( else: ch = self.handle(ch_in) if blocking: if ch == Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL: curses.curs_set(old_cursor) return {} elif ch == Component.CMP_KEY_OK: curses.curs_set(old_cursor) return self.getvalue() else: if ch == Component.CMP_KEY_CANCEL: curses.curs_set(old_cursor) return (ch, {}) else: curses.curs_set(old_cursor) return (ch, self.getvalue())
def mouse_event(
self, ox, oy, mtype)
handle mouse events return key value or -1 for not handled
def mouse_event(self, ox, oy, mtype): """ handle mouse events return key value or -1 for not handled """ return -1
def pop_history(
self, child)
def pop_history( self, child ): if not self.enable_history: return if not issubclass(child.__class__, Prompt): return if self.getname() and child.getname() and child.getorder() >= 0: key = (self.getname(), child.getname()) if key in Dialog.history: hist = Dialog.history[key] self.hist_idx += 1 if self.hist_idx > len(hist): self.hist_idx = 0 child.setvalue(hist[-self.hist_idx])
def push_history(
self, child)
def push_history( self, child ): if not self.enable_history: return if not issubclass(child.__class__, Prompt): return if self.getname() and child.getname() and child.getorder() >= 0 and not child.isempty(): key = (self.getname(), child.getname()) if key in Dialog.history: if Dialog.history[key][-1] != child.getvalue(): Dialog.history[key].append(child.getvalue()) else: Dialog.history[key] = [child.getvalue()]
def render(
render the component use parent as target
def render(self): for c in self.children: if not self.focus_list or self.focus_list[self.current][1] != c: c.render() if self.focus_list: self.focus_list[self.current][1].focus() self.focus_list[self.current][1].render()
def resize(
def resize(self): pass
def set_history(
self, state)
def set_history( self, state ): self.enable_history = state
def setparent(
self, parent)
set the parent curses target window
def setparent(self,parent): """ set the parent curses target window """ self.parent = parent
def setpos(
self, x, y)
set the position of this component
def setpos(self, x, y ): """ set the position of this component """ self.x = x self.y = y
def setsize(
self, height, width)
set the width of this component
def setsize(self, height, width ): """ set the width of this component """ self.height = height self.width = width
def setvalue(
self, value)
set the components value, may be tuple or other data structure
def setvalue(self, value): for c in self.children: if c.getname() in value: c.setvalue(value[c.getname()]) self.push_history(c)
def tab(
def tab(self): if self.focus_list: self.push_history(self.focus_list[self.current][1]) self.current += 1 if self.current >= len(self.focus_list): self.current = 0