ped_dialog.file_browse module
module to implement a file browse dialog component for the ped editor
# Copyright 2009 James P Goodwin ped tiny python editor """ module to implement a file browse dialog component for the ped editor """ import curses import curses.ascii from ped_dialog import dialog from ped_core import editor_common from ped_core import keytab class FileBrowseComponent(dialog.Component): """ component subclass for embedding a read-only editor in a dialog to do preview of files """ def __init__(self, name, order, x, y, width, height, label, filename, showname = True ): """ name, order== tab order, x,y offset in dialog, width,height size in chars, label title for border, filename file to show in editor """ dialog.Component.__init__(self, name, order ) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.ewin = None self.editor = None self.filename = filename self.start_line = 0 self.label = label self.isfocus = None self.showname = showname def __del__(self): """ clean up window, editor and workfile if we get deleted """ self.reset() def reset(self): """ reset stuff """ if self.ewin: del self.ewin self.ewin = None if self.editor: self.editor.getWorkfile().close() self.editor = None def setpos(self, x, y ): """ set the position """ self.reset() dialog.Component.setpos(self, x, y) def setsize(self, height, width ): """ set the size """ self.reset() dialog.Component.setsize(self, height, width ) def mouse_event(self, ox, oy, mtype): """ handle mouse events return key value or -1 for not handled """ if self.editor and (ox >= self.x and ox < self.x+self.width and oy >= self.y and oy <= self.y+self.height): oy = (oy - self.y) - 2 ox = (ox - self.x) - 1 if oy >= 0 and ox >= 0 and (mtype & (curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED)): self.editor.goto(self.editor.line+oy,self.editor.left+ox) return keytab.KEYTAB_CR return -1 def render(self): """ draw the frame for the component and the editor as needed """ win = self.getparent() if win: if self.isfocus: attr = curses.A_BOLD else: attr = curses.A_NORMAL dialog.rect(win,self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height,self.label,attr,False) if not self.ewin: self.ewin = win.subwin(self.height-2,self.width-2,self.y+1,self.x+1) if not self.editor and self.filename: self.editor = editor_common.ReadonlyEditor(win,self.ewin,self.filename, self.showname) self.editor.goto(self.start_line,0) self.editor.mark_lines() self.editor.invalidate_all() self.editor.main(False) if self.editor: self.editor.setfocus(self.isfocus) self.editor.redraw() win.refresh() self.isfocus = False def focus(self): """ indicates that we have the focus """ self.isfocus = True def setvalue(self,value): """ this component doesn't really do setvalue """ pass def getvalue(self): """ returns the current line in the editor """ if self.editor: return self.editor.getCurrentLine() else: return "" def setfilename(self,filename,number): """ set a new file to view and a line number to scroll to, clean up the old one """ self.filename = filename self.start_line = number if self.editor: self.editor.getWorkfile().close() del self.editor self.editor = None def handle(self,ch): """ translate the editor keys for component use """ if self.editor: o_line = self.editor.getLine() ret_ch = self.editor.main(False,ch) if self.editor.getLine() != o_line or not self.editor.isMark(): if self.editor.isMark(): self.editor.mark_lines() self.editor.mark_lines() else: ret_ch = ch if ret_ch in [keytab.KEYTAB_SPACE,keytab.KEYTAB_CR,keytab.KEYTAB_TAB,keytab.KEYTAB_ESC,keytab.KEYTAB_BTAB]: return ret_ch else: return dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_NOP
class FileBrowseComponent
component subclass for embedding a read-only editor in a dialog to do preview of files
class FileBrowseComponent(dialog.Component): """ component subclass for embedding a read-only editor in a dialog to do preview of files """ def __init__(self, name, order, x, y, width, height, label, filename, showname = True ): """ name, order== tab order, x,y offset in dialog, width,height size in chars, label title for border, filename file to show in editor """ dialog.Component.__init__(self, name, order ) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.ewin = None self.editor = None self.filename = filename self.start_line = 0 self.label = label self.isfocus = None self.showname = showname def __del__(self): """ clean up window, editor and workfile if we get deleted """ self.reset() def reset(self): """ reset stuff """ if self.ewin: del self.ewin self.ewin = None if self.editor: self.editor.getWorkfile().close() self.editor = None def setpos(self, x, y ): """ set the position """ self.reset() dialog.Component.setpos(self, x, y) def setsize(self, height, width ): """ set the size """ self.reset() dialog.Component.setsize(self, height, width ) def mouse_event(self, ox, oy, mtype): """ handle mouse events return key value or -1 for not handled """ if self.editor and (ox >= self.x and ox < self.x+self.width and oy >= self.y and oy <= self.y+self.height): oy = (oy - self.y) - 2 ox = (ox - self.x) - 1 if oy >= 0 and ox >= 0 and (mtype & (curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED)): self.editor.goto(self.editor.line+oy,self.editor.left+ox) return keytab.KEYTAB_CR return -1 def render(self): """ draw the frame for the component and the editor as needed """ win = self.getparent() if win: if self.isfocus: attr = curses.A_BOLD else: attr = curses.A_NORMAL dialog.rect(win,self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height,self.label,attr,False) if not self.ewin: self.ewin = win.subwin(self.height-2,self.width-2,self.y+1,self.x+1) if not self.editor and self.filename: self.editor = editor_common.ReadonlyEditor(win,self.ewin,self.filename, self.showname) self.editor.goto(self.start_line,0) self.editor.mark_lines() self.editor.invalidate_all() self.editor.main(False) if self.editor: self.editor.setfocus(self.isfocus) self.editor.redraw() win.refresh() self.isfocus = False def focus(self): """ indicates that we have the focus """ self.isfocus = True def setvalue(self,value): """ this component doesn't really do setvalue """ pass def getvalue(self): """ returns the current line in the editor """ if self.editor: return self.editor.getCurrentLine() else: return "" def setfilename(self,filename,number): """ set a new file to view and a line number to scroll to, clean up the old one """ self.filename = filename self.start_line = number if self.editor: self.editor.getWorkfile().close() del self.editor self.editor = None def handle(self,ch): """ translate the editor keys for component use """ if self.editor: o_line = self.editor.getLine() ret_ch = self.editor.main(False,ch) if self.editor.getLine() != o_line or not self.editor.isMark(): if self.editor.isMark(): self.editor.mark_lines() self.editor.mark_lines() else: ret_ch = ch if ret_ch in [keytab.KEYTAB_SPACE,keytab.KEYTAB_CR,keytab.KEYTAB_TAB,keytab.KEYTAB_ESC,keytab.KEYTAB_BTAB]: return ret_ch else: return dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_NOP
Ancestors (in MRO)
- FileBrowseComponent
- ped_dialog.dialog.Component
- builtins.object
Class variables
Static methods
def __init__(
self, name, order, x, y, width, height, label, filename, showname=True)
name, order== tab order, x,y offset in dialog, width,height size in chars, label title for border, filename file to show in editor
def __init__(self, name, order, x, y, width, height, label, filename, showname = True ): """ name, order== tab order, x,y offset in dialog, width,height size in chars, label title for border, filename file to show in editor """ dialog.Component.__init__(self, name, order ) self.x = x self.y = y self.width = width self.height = height self.ewin = None self.editor = None self.filename = filename self.start_line = 0 self.label = label self.isfocus = None self.showname = showname
def focus(
indicates that we have the focus
def focus(self): """ indicates that we have the focus """ self.isfocus = True
def getname(
get the name of this component
def getname(self): """ get the name of this component """ return
def getorder(
get this component's tab order number
def getorder(self): """ get this component's tab order number """ return self.order
def getparent(
get this component's curses target window
def getparent(self): """ get this component's curses target window """ return self.parent
def getvalue(
returns the current line in the editor
def getvalue(self): """ returns the current line in the editor """ if self.editor: return self.editor.getCurrentLine() else: return ""
def handle(
self, ch)
translate the editor keys for component use
def handle(self,ch): """ translate the editor keys for component use """ if self.editor: o_line = self.editor.getLine() ret_ch = self.editor.main(False,ch) if self.editor.getLine() != o_line or not self.editor.isMark(): if self.editor.isMark(): self.editor.mark_lines() self.editor.mark_lines() else: ret_ch = ch if ret_ch in [keytab.KEYTAB_SPACE,keytab.KEYTAB_CR,keytab.KEYTAB_TAB,keytab.KEYTAB_ESC,keytab.KEYTAB_BTAB]: return ret_ch else: return dialog.Component.CMP_KEY_NOP
def isempty(
test if the component entry is empty
def isempty(self): """ test if the component entry is empty """ return False
def mouse_event(
self, ox, oy, mtype)
handle mouse events return key value or -1 for not handled
def mouse_event(self, ox, oy, mtype): """ handle mouse events return key value or -1 for not handled """ if self.editor and (ox >= self.x and ox < self.x+self.width and oy >= self.y and oy <= self.y+self.height): oy = (oy - self.y) - 2 ox = (ox - self.x) - 1 if oy >= 0 and ox >= 0 and (mtype & (curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED | curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED | curses.BUTTON1_RELEASED)): self.editor.goto(self.editor.line+oy,self.editor.left+ox) return keytab.KEYTAB_CR return -1
def render(
draw the frame for the component and the editor as needed
def render(self): """ draw the frame for the component and the editor as needed """ win = self.getparent() if win: if self.isfocus: attr = curses.A_BOLD else: attr = curses.A_NORMAL dialog.rect(win,self.x,self.y,self.width,self.height,self.label,attr,False) if not self.ewin: self.ewin = win.subwin(self.height-2,self.width-2,self.y+1,self.x+1) if not self.editor and self.filename: self.editor = editor_common.ReadonlyEditor(win,self.ewin,self.filename, self.showname) self.editor.goto(self.start_line,0) self.editor.mark_lines() self.editor.invalidate_all() self.editor.main(False) if self.editor: self.editor.setfocus(self.isfocus) self.editor.redraw() win.refresh() self.isfocus = False
def reset(
reset stuff
def reset(self): """ reset stuff """ if self.ewin: del self.ewin self.ewin = None if self.editor: self.editor.getWorkfile().close() self.editor = None
def setfilename(
self, filename, number)
set a new file to view and a line number to scroll to, clean up the old one
def setfilename(self,filename,number): """ set a new file to view and a line number to scroll to, clean up the old one """ self.filename = filename self.start_line = number if self.editor: self.editor.getWorkfile().close() del self.editor self.editor = None
def setparent(
self, parent)
set the parent curses target window
def setparent(self,parent): """ set the parent curses target window """ self.parent = parent
def setpos(
self, x, y)
set the position
def setpos(self, x, y ): """ set the position """ self.reset() dialog.Component.setpos(self, x, y)
def setsize(
self, height, width)
set the size
def setsize(self, height, width ): """ set the size """ self.reset() dialog.Component.setsize(self, height, width )
def setvalue(
self, value)
this component doesn't really do setvalue
def setvalue(self,value): """ this component doesn't really do setvalue """ pass
Instance variables
var editor
var ewin
var filename
var height
var isfocus
var label
var showname
var start_line
var width
var x
var y