ped_ssh_dialog.ssh_mod module
module to implement shared functions for ssh file systems for the bkp/rstr tool
# Copyright 2013-2014 James P Goodwin """ module to implement shared functions for ssh file systems for the bkp/rstr tool """ import os import sys import socket import traceback import stat import time from ped_ssh_dialog.file_mod import safe_path from ped_core.editor_common import EditFile import threading from io import StringIO import paramiko import socket thread_local = threading.local() safe_path_lock = threading.Lock() transport_lock = threading.Lock() safe_path_cache = {} host_keys = {} ssh_log_name = EditFile.get_backup_dir(EditFile.default_backuproot)+"/ssh_mod.log" paramiko.util.log_to_file(ssh_log_name) def strip_protocol( path ): """ strip off the ssh:// from start of path """ if path.startswith("ssh://"): return path[6:] else: raise Exception("strip_protocol: Missing protocol prefix.",path) def split_hostpath( remote_path ): """ split off the hostname from an ssh://hostname:port/path name and return tuple (hostname, port, path) """ remote_path = strip_protocol( remote_path ) host,path = remote_path.split("/",1) path = "/"+path parts = host.split(":",1) if len(parts) < 2: host = parts[0] port = 22 else: host = parts[0] port = int(parts[1]) return (host,port,path) def lookup_hostkey( hostname ): """ return the hostkey for a host if we have one in the local host keys table returns (hostkey, hostkeytype) """ # get host key, if we know one hostkeytype = None hostkey = None global host_keys if not host_keys: try: host_keys = paramiko.util.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts')) except IOError: try: # try ~/ssh/ too, because windows can't have a folder named ~/.ssh/ host_keys = paramiko.util.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser('~/ssh/known_hosts')) except IOError: host_keys = {} if hostname in host_keys: hostkeytype = list(host_keys[hostname].keys())[0] hostkey = host_keys[hostname][hostkeytype] return ( hostkey, hostkeytype ) def ssh_transport( hostname, port, username, password, force = False ): """ acquire a transport to use SFTP over """ t = None transport_pool = getattr(thread_local, "transport_pool", None) if transport_pool == None: thread_local.transport_pool = {} if (not force) and (( hostname, port, username, password ) in transport_pool): t = transport_pool[( hostname, port, username, password )] else: try: t = paramiko.Transport((hostname, port )) t.set_keepalive(5) t.connect( username=username, password=password, hostkey= lookup_hostkey( hostname )[0]) t.use_compression(True) transport_pool[(hostname,port,username,password)] = t except: if t: if (hostname,port,username,password) in transport_pool: del transport_pool[(hostname,port,username,password)] del t raise return t def sftp_open( hostname, port, username, password ): """ get an open SFTP session object for a given hostname, username, password """ sftp = None try: transport_lock.acquire() sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh_transport( hostname, port, username, password)) except: sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh_transport( hostname, port, username, password, True)) finally: transport_lock.release() return sftp def sftp_safe_path( sftp, path ): """ make sure target sub directories exist """ try: safe_path_lock.acquire() parts = path.split('/')[1:-1] pkey = "/".join(parts) if not pkey in safe_path_cache: spath = '' for p in parts: spath = spath + '/' + p try: st = sftp.stat( spath ) except: sftp.mkdir(spath) st = sftp.stat( spath ) if not stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode ): raise Exception("sftp_safe_path: path element is not a directory!",spath) safe_path_cache[pkey] = True finally: safe_path_lock.release() return path def ssh_utime( remote_path, times, get_config = None ): """ set the modified time for a remote file using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: sftp.utime( path, times ) finally: sftp.close() def ssh_get( remote_path, local_path, get_config = None ): """ copy from remote path to local_path using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: sftp.get( path, safe_path(local_path) ) finally: sftp.close() def ssh_put( local_path, remote_path, get_config = None, verbose = False ): """ copy to remote path from local_path using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) def put_progress( bytes_transferred, bytes_remaining ): if "last_transferred" not in put_progress.__dict__: put_progress.last_transferred = 0 if bytes_transferred - put_progress.last_transferred > 1000000: sys.stderr.write("ssh_put: %s %12d %12d\r"%(os.path.basename(local_path),bytes_transferred,bytes_remaining)) put_progress.last_transferred = bytes_transferred try: if not verbose: sftp.put( local_path, sftp_safe_path(sftp,path) ) else: sftp.put( local_path, sftp_safe_path(sftp,path), put_progress ) finally: sftp.close() def ssh_ls( remote_path, recurse=False, get_config= None, verbose=False ): """ list directories and files perhaps recursively using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: output = "" stream = StringIO() try: st = sftp.lstat(path) except IOError: return output if stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode): dirs = [] dirs.append( path ) while dirs: dir = dirs.pop() if verbose: print("Processing ", dir, file=sys.stderr) try: entries = sftp.listdir(dir) except IOError: continue for entry in entries: fp = os.path.join(dir,entry) # don't do hidden if entry.startswith("."): continue if verbose: print("Is dir ?", fp, file=sys.stderr) try: st = sftp.lstat(fp) except IOError: continue # don't follow links if stat.S_ISLNK( st.st_mode ): continue if stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode ): if recurse: dirs.append( fp ) else: print(" DIR ssh://%s:%s%s/"%(host,port,fp), file=stream) else: mtime = time.localtime(st.st_mtime) print("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %9d ssh://%s:%s%s"%(mtime.tm_year,mtime.tm_mon,mtime.tm_mday,mtime.tm_hour,mtime.tm_min,st.st_size,host,port,fp), file=stream) else: mtime = time.localtime(st.st_mtime) print("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %9d ssh://%s:%s%s"%(mtime.tm_year,mtime.tm_mon,mtime.tm_mday,mtime.tm_hour,mtime.tm_min,st.st_size,host,port,path), file=stream) output = stream.getvalue() stream.close() finally: sftp.close() return output def ssh_del( remote_path, recurse=False, get_config= None ): """ remove files or directories perhaps recursively using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: st = sftp.stat(path) if stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode): dirs = [] remove_dirs = [] dirs.append( path ) while dirs: dir = dirs.pop() entries = sftp.listdir(dir) for entry in entries: fp = os.path.join(dir,entry) st = sftp.stat(fp) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) and recurse: dirs.append( fp ) remove_dirs.append(fp) else: sftp.remove(fp) while remove_dirs: dir = remove_dirs.pop() sftp.rmdir(dir) else: sftp.remove(path) finally: sftp.close() return "" def ssh_test( remote_path, verbose = False, get_config= None ): """ test to make sure that we can access the remote path """ try: host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path+"/." ) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host,port)) data = s.recv(1024) if verbose: print("ssh_test: ", data, file=sys.stderr) s.close() return True except: if verbose: print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) return False def ssh_stat( remote_path, get_config= None ): """ return tuple (mtime, size) for a file return (-1,-1) if no file """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: st = sftp.lstat(path) return (st.st_mtime,st.st_size) except: pass finally: sftp.close() return (-1,-1)
Module variables
var host_keys
var safe_path_cache
var safe_path_lock
var ssh_log_name
var thread_local
var transport_lock
def lookup_hostkey(
return the hostkey for a host if we have one in the local host keys table returns (hostkey, hostkeytype)
def lookup_hostkey( hostname ): """ return the hostkey for a host if we have one in the local host keys table returns (hostkey, hostkeytype) """ # get host key, if we know one hostkeytype = None hostkey = None global host_keys if not host_keys: try: host_keys = paramiko.util.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts')) except IOError: try: # try ~/ssh/ too, because windows can't have a folder named ~/.ssh/ host_keys = paramiko.util.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser('~/ssh/known_hosts')) except IOError: host_keys = {} if hostname in host_keys: hostkeytype = list(host_keys[hostname].keys())[0] hostkey = host_keys[hostname][hostkeytype] return ( hostkey, hostkeytype )
def sftp_open(
hostname, port, username, password)
get an open SFTP session object for a given hostname, username, password
def sftp_open( hostname, port, username, password ): """ get an open SFTP session object for a given hostname, username, password """ sftp = None try: transport_lock.acquire() sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh_transport( hostname, port, username, password)) except: sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(ssh_transport( hostname, port, username, password, True)) finally: transport_lock.release() return sftp
def sftp_safe_path(
sftp, path)
make sure target sub directories exist
def sftp_safe_path( sftp, path ): """ make sure target sub directories exist """ try: safe_path_lock.acquire() parts = path.split('/')[1:-1] pkey = "/".join(parts) if not pkey in safe_path_cache: spath = '' for p in parts: spath = spath + '/' + p try: st = sftp.stat( spath ) except: sftp.mkdir(spath) st = sftp.stat( spath ) if not stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode ): raise Exception("sftp_safe_path: path element is not a directory!",spath) safe_path_cache[pkey] = True finally: safe_path_lock.release() return path
def split_hostpath(
split off the hostname from an ssh://hostname:port/path name and return tuple (hostname, port, path)
def split_hostpath( remote_path ): """ split off the hostname from an ssh://hostname:port/path name and return tuple (hostname, port, path) """ remote_path = strip_protocol( remote_path ) host,path = remote_path.split("/",1) path = "/"+path parts = host.split(":",1) if len(parts) < 2: host = parts[0] port = 22 else: host = parts[0] port = int(parts[1]) return (host,port,path)
def ssh_del(
remote_path, recurse=False, get_config=None)
remove files or directories perhaps recursively using sftp
def ssh_del( remote_path, recurse=False, get_config= None ): """ remove files or directories perhaps recursively using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: st = sftp.stat(path) if stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode): dirs = [] remove_dirs = [] dirs.append( path ) while dirs: dir = dirs.pop() entries = sftp.listdir(dir) for entry in entries: fp = os.path.join(dir,entry) st = sftp.stat(fp) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) and recurse: dirs.append( fp ) remove_dirs.append(fp) else: sftp.remove(fp) while remove_dirs: dir = remove_dirs.pop() sftp.rmdir(dir) else: sftp.remove(path) finally: sftp.close() return ""
def ssh_get(
remote_path, local_path, get_config=None)
copy from remote path to local_path using sftp
def ssh_get( remote_path, local_path, get_config = None ): """ copy from remote path to local_path using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: sftp.get( path, safe_path(local_path) ) finally: sftp.close()
def ssh_ls(
remote_path, recurse=False, get_config=None, verbose=False)
list directories and files perhaps recursively using sftp
def ssh_ls( remote_path, recurse=False, get_config= None, verbose=False ): """ list directories and files perhaps recursively using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: output = "" stream = StringIO() try: st = sftp.lstat(path) except IOError: return output if stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode): dirs = [] dirs.append( path ) while dirs: dir = dirs.pop() if verbose: print("Processing ", dir, file=sys.stderr) try: entries = sftp.listdir(dir) except IOError: continue for entry in entries: fp = os.path.join(dir,entry) # don't do hidden if entry.startswith("."): continue if verbose: print("Is dir ?", fp, file=sys.stderr) try: st = sftp.lstat(fp) except IOError: continue # don't follow links if stat.S_ISLNK( st.st_mode ): continue if stat.S_ISDIR( st.st_mode ): if recurse: dirs.append( fp ) else: print(" DIR ssh://%s:%s%s/"%(host,port,fp), file=stream) else: mtime = time.localtime(st.st_mtime) print("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %9d ssh://%s:%s%s"%(mtime.tm_year,mtime.tm_mon,mtime.tm_mday,mtime.tm_hour,mtime.tm_min,st.st_size,host,port,fp), file=stream) else: mtime = time.localtime(st.st_mtime) print("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d %9d ssh://%s:%s%s"%(mtime.tm_year,mtime.tm_mon,mtime.tm_mday,mtime.tm_hour,mtime.tm_min,st.st_size,host,port,path), file=stream) output = stream.getvalue() stream.close() finally: sftp.close() return output
def ssh_put(
local_path, remote_path, get_config=None, verbose=False)
copy to remote path from local_path using sftp
def ssh_put( local_path, remote_path, get_config = None, verbose = False ): """ copy to remote path from local_path using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) def put_progress( bytes_transferred, bytes_remaining ): if "last_transferred" not in put_progress.__dict__: put_progress.last_transferred = 0 if bytes_transferred - put_progress.last_transferred > 1000000: sys.stderr.write("ssh_put: %s %12d %12d\r"%(os.path.basename(local_path),bytes_transferred,bytes_remaining)) put_progress.last_transferred = bytes_transferred try: if not verbose: sftp.put( local_path, sftp_safe_path(sftp,path) ) else: sftp.put( local_path, sftp_safe_path(sftp,path), put_progress ) finally: sftp.close()
def ssh_stat(
remote_path, get_config=None)
return tuple (mtime, size) for a file return (-1,-1) if no file
def ssh_stat( remote_path, get_config= None ): """ return tuple (mtime, size) for a file return (-1,-1) if no file """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: st = sftp.lstat(path) return (st.st_mtime,st.st_size) except: pass finally: sftp.close() return (-1,-1)
def ssh_test(
remote_path, verbose=False, get_config=None)
test to make sure that we can access the remote path
def ssh_test( remote_path, verbose = False, get_config= None ): """ test to make sure that we can access the remote path """ try: host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path+"/." ) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host,port)) data = s.recv(1024) if verbose: print("ssh_test: ", data, file=sys.stderr) s.close() return True except: if verbose: print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) return False
def ssh_transport(
hostname, port, username, password, force=False)
acquire a transport to use SFTP over
def ssh_transport( hostname, port, username, password, force = False ): """ acquire a transport to use SFTP over """ t = None transport_pool = getattr(thread_local, "transport_pool", None) if transport_pool == None: thread_local.transport_pool = {} if (not force) and (( hostname, port, username, password ) in transport_pool): t = transport_pool[( hostname, port, username, password )] else: try: t = paramiko.Transport((hostname, port )) t.set_keepalive(5) t.connect( username=username, password=password, hostkey= lookup_hostkey( hostname )[0]) t.use_compression(True) transport_pool[(hostname,port,username,password)] = t except: if t: if (hostname,port,username,password) in transport_pool: del transport_pool[(hostname,port,username,password)] del t raise return t
def ssh_utime(
remote_path, times, get_config=None)
set the modified time for a remote file using sftp
def ssh_utime( remote_path, times, get_config = None ): """ set the modified time for a remote file using sftp """ host, port, path = split_hostpath( remote_path ) sftp = sftp_open( host, port, get_config()['ssh_username'], get_config()['ssh_password'] ) try: sftp.utime( path, times ) finally: sftp.close()
def strip_protocol(
strip off the ssh:// from start of path
def strip_protocol( path ): """ strip off the ssh:// from start of path """ if path.startswith("ssh://"): return path[6:] else: raise Exception("strip_protocol: Missing protocol prefix.",path)